Harriet Hinton Bretz Family Endowment

Harriet Hinton Bretz Family Endowment

Harriet Hinton Bretz began teaching business office classes at Clackamas Community College in 1979, guiding her students through the difficult transitions from typewriters to computers, from shorthand to laptops, before retiring in 1994. Harriet’s dedication to helping students better their lives through education shone through in the classroom, a belief she inherited from her parents and, in turn, passed on to her daughter. The funds for her endowment grew from a single gift of AT&T stock given one Christmas by Harriet’s father to her mother. The investment grew through the years and – like the belief in education -passed from one generation to the next. Harriet created this endowment in honor of her family and in dedication to her many students at CCC.

The Harriet Hinton Bretz Family Endowment provides annual scholarship support to needy students in CCC’s Administrative Assistant, Office Assistant and Medical Office Assistant programs.


With the generosity of your Harriet Hinton Bretz Scholarship, coupled with the support of my family, I now will be able to complete the remaining seven classes needed and obtain my degree this year. I wish I could put into words the immense pride I will have the day I receive my diploma. ~ Carol
