Henry and Lenore A. Klossen Endowment

Henry and Lenore A. Klossen Endowment

Henry Klossen founded Oregon City Auto Parts in 1931. He and his brother also owned and operated the old Oregon City Cold Storage, which stood on the site now occupied by the Oregon City Elks Club. Henry and his wife Lenore lived in West Lin n until their deaths in 1986 and 1990, respectively. To commemorate the Klossens’ lifelong dedication to education, an endowment was established by their son Robert, who succeeded his father in the auto parts business and who continues to be a leading advocate for auto-motive education in Clackamas County.

The Henry and Lenore A Klossen Memorial Endowment provides annual tuition assistance to a new or returning student at Clackamas Community College.


I am a third year student of Digital Multimedia Communications at CCC, and I hope to become a music composer for films and other media. This scholarship will be a huge help for me in achieving this goal! ~ Austin
