Lowell and Janet Miles Endowment

Lowell and Janet Miles Endowment

As the owner of Miles Fiberglass and Composites, Lowell Miles has been intimately involved in workforce issues and education in Clackamas County for decades. That interest in having the best-prepared manufacturing workforce possible led him to become involved in CCC’s countless efforts. He joined the Foundation Board in the early 1990s and was at the center of several campaigns, including construction of the Elizabeth McClung Brod Family Resource Center. He also has created two manufacturing endowments, backing up with money his belief in providing students opportunities and access to the best-possible training and education.

The Lowell and Janet Miles Endowment provides support for the manufacturing department and scholarships to CCC manufacturing and technology center students.


I am confident that any goal I set out to accomplish, I will with diligence and hard work. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me. ~ William
