Paula Mae Cropsey Memorial Endowment

Paula Mae Cropsey Memorial Endowment

The Paula Mae Cropsey Memorial Endowment fund was established to honor Paula’s life. In all things she did, Paula approached her life with curiosity, whimsy, passion, and dedication. Her gifts and enduring legacy produced a wonderful son, a Montessori school, a bakery, and many loving and generous friends and family that cared deeply about her.

Paula’s sister Heidi, a longtime Clackamas Community College French instructor, established this endowment in partnership with her father and siblings. Funds from the endowment will provide assistance to first and second year French students with awards for tuition, fees, books or emergency needs. Paula’s legacy will endure through the achievements of the special students this endowment supports.


My long-term career goal is to offer medical services as a nurse to North-East African refugees either in a disaster-relief capacity or in a women’s health clinic for refugees, so French is something I will use in communicating with NE Africans who are bi-lingual. ~ Elizabeth
